free LIVE Class

The Tomatis Method and Foetal Memory

with Beulah Levinson
Monday, 24 March 2025 at 19h UK time
For the unborn in the mother’s womb, the sound of mother’s voice is a sonic umbilical cord, which brings emotional nourishment as well as vital physiological and neurological stimulation to the developing fetus. Important neurological connections are taking place which will influence the baby’s brain function, especially its acquisition of language. Equally it will be affected at an emotional and a relational level.

Dr. Alfred A. Tomatis, a French physician and specialist in Otolaryngology developed a method of auditory stimulation which assists and accelerates the development of listening skills, language and communication.

In this talk, psychotherapist Beulah Levinson will show how the Tomatis Method can be of support in accessing fetal memory which is of significant importance for the future personality development of the individual. We will look not only at accessing early memory but using this knowledge to further the vital role of attachment in the bonding process between mother and fetus.
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Beulah Levinson
