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Does In-utero Consciousness Exist?

A Therapist’s Journey from Disbelief to Experience

with John Wilks and Sara Devoy
The concepts underlying the therapeutic and personal work around pregnancy and birth are by no means generally accepted and the question around consciousness prior to birth and the memory of in-utero experiences are hard to corroborate scientifically. So, being sceptical or resistant to these ideas is quite natural. It is not until we have had a first-hand experience that the doubt slips away. 

If you have followed us for a while, you may be surprised to hear that Our Birth Journey's founder John Wilks was initially extremely sceptical about the consciousness of babies and the impact of pre- and perinatal events. It was through a series of personal experiences as well as the experiences of his clients of all ages (adults, children and babies) that compelled him to embark upon a deep exploration which continues to fascinate him both personally and professionally.

In this in-depth conversation with Sara Devoy, John reveals how what seemed an outlandish concept at first became a transformative personal process and a passion and mission in his work.
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john wilks

Bowen Technique & Craniosacral Therapy
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